The emotional scale is a list of commonly felt emotions ranging from joy, appreciation, freedom, love and empowerment (the highest) down to fear, despair, desperation, grief, and powerlessness (the lowest).
Use this as a psychological tool to check and see where you are on the emotional scale. This helps you become aware of where on the scale you are. This can help you take actions to proactively shift for an other feeling. Various methods exist for you to help you shift your feeling state.
You can move up the scale. You can continuously practice reaching for a better-feeling, a higher-vibration emotion, a higher feeling, and a closer one to joy.
Contact Ethan E. Wise for help and support to learn how to experience more of the positive emotions.
Please know that ALL emotions are good, they are the “language” of your subconscious mind and your body. Emotions are also linked to energy, and energy stuck in the body, along with trauma. They exist to tell you something or to protect you from a perceived danger.
Hence, emotions require being listened to, and not to be constantly ignored. The emotion spiral isn’t here to help you “avoid”, “resist” or “run away” from the negative emotions. Also, do not fall for the traps of “spiritual bypassing”, “toxic spirituality” and what I like to call “the escape to consciousness” (article coming soon).
I will teach you how to honor all emotions, heal the lower ones so they are less likely to bother you, and how to constantly enjoy being in the higher emotional states.
This knowledge of the emotional guidance scale and spiral is very important for those of you who want to manifest changes or co-create changes in their reality. The topic of manifesting changes is beyond the scope of this article and requires additional actions, and a key missing ingredient these emotional spirals fail to mention. Contact me for more on this.

Be hopeful. This is possible and many tools, approaches, skills, and tricks exist to help you with this. Ask someone who knows about these, and practice.. Life is a practice.
Here’s another similar emotional spiral

Here’s the emotional scale as described by Abraham-Hicks:
Positive Expectation/Belief
Overwhelment (feeling overwhelmed)
This is an interesting article on the Resilience Spiral which discusses the Emotional Spiral for individuals and it’s counterpart the Organizational Spiral (read it here in PDF format) from the Resilience institute (link to original article)